I stumbled upon Dogs Deserve Better, a website dedicated to helping dogs that are inhumanely chained and penned. I've always wondered why people have dogs when they sit outside all day and all night? I suppose when the "puppy phase" is over alot of owners don't have any interest in the dog anymore. Dogs Deserve Better is helping put an end to this type of behavior. Check this out, they will even send information to the unfit caretaker of the dog if you are uncomfortable with approaching them yourself. You'll remain anonymous! I've personally dealt with this situation with our current neighbor.
I noticed that day in and day out our neighbor's little pug would be chained to their backyard post with a leash all day until they came home from work. There was no shade, no chew toys, and I didn't notice a water dish. I was ready to call the Humane Society. Occasionally the pug would make it's way out of it's collar and go under the fence to play with our dogs. We finally went over to our neighbor's house to let them know that their dog was making it's way over to our yard to play with our dogs. We made sure they knew we didn't mind because the dogs seemed to play just fine together, but we did want to make certain that the pug had it's shots, was de-wormed, and neutered. Luckily, the situation worked out in everyone's favor! All the dogs have a great time together, and it's one less dog that is left outside to merely exist.
Please be sure to visit this website, and make a difference!